Domino – A Game of Chance and Skill

Domino, pronounced do-MINO, is an entertaining game of chance and skill. The game has a rich history with many different variations. It is a great way to spend time with family and friends. A domino (also called bones, cards, men or pieces) is a small rectangular wood or plastic block with blank or marked sides that resemble those of dice. It is normally twice as long as it is wide. It is used as a playing piece for games of chance and skill and can also be used to demonstrate the principles of probability, statistics, mathematics, geometry and physics. The domino has been around since the late 1700s, and its origin is obscure. It may have been derived from the word “domino,” which was an earlier hooded cloak worn with a mask during carnival season or at a masquerade. It is also possible that the name derives from a type of black domino, which contrasted with the white surplice of a priest, thus drawing to mind the clergyman’s domino tipping over other dominoes at a masquerade. As a game, domino is played by two or more players with a set of tiles that are arranged on the table in a line. The first player makes a play, and each subsequent player adds to the chain by placing one tile on its end so that it contacts the first tile in the line of play. This creates a “domino effect,” where the tipping of a single domino causes other dominoes to topple, creating a chain reaction that continues until all the tiles have fallen. The basic rules of domino are usually similar, but the variations in rule-making among different peoples and countries have led to an enormous variety of specific games. Some of the most popular include a game that starts with a single tile and has each player fill in a row of squares around the edge of the table, called the field. The player who completes the field wins the game. Some domino games require players to empty their hands of all but a single domino before they can play it; these are known as blocking games such as bergen and muggins. Other games are scoring games that allow players to place their dominoes in ways that give them an advantage. Domino’s CEO, Steve Doyle, promotes the company’s core values, including “Champion Our Customers.” He has made a point of listening to customer complaints and responding quickly. For example, he instituted a more relaxed dress code and a new leadership training program to boost employee morale, and he has even designed a purpose-built pizza delivery vehicle. His approach has paid off. Domino’s revenue is up and the company is thriving.